6.1 Trustee Succession & End of Life Testament and Will

6.1 Trustee Succession & End of Life Testament and Will
(a) Trustee Succession
Upon the death of the Settlor or at the conclusion of the 25-year trust term, B1 shall become the successor trustee. If B1 declines, is unable, or vacates the position, the role shall pass to B2. If B2 is similarly unable to serve, B3 shall assume the trustee position. In the event B3 also cannot serve, the trustee role shall transition to a board of descendants from the family lines of the parties herein named, appointed by majority vote among eligible descendants.
If any disputes arise regarding trustee entitlement, all relevant parties will serve as a trustee board with equal shares, provided they are descendants of either the Settlor or the Settlors sister, Jane Doe. In accepting the trustee position, B1 must formally invite a descendant of the Settlors brother, Joe Doe, to join as a beneficiary. This action will reduce B1 entitlement as a beneficiary to 0.25%, with the remaining entitlement allocated to the newly designated beneficiary in accordance with these instructions.
Trustee has a term of 25 years, after which a successor begins their 25 year term. This is imperative to understand and implement as it is often a point for attorneys to pierce the trust. Honestly, I am not 100% sure why this is the case, but you are welcome to deep dive this and report back. All I know is to tread lightly, and this is doing just that.