4. Settlors Role

4. Settlors Role

The Settlor is the creator and administrator of this Trust, retaining full authority over its operation and management. All declarations and assets transferred into the Trust remain under the Settlors control as Trustee. Settlor is plenipotentiary, and in full capacity to settle all accounts, including any ecclesiastical claims or rights, settlor was not party to which were formed by silent consent or where acquiescence was assumed due to use of deceptive practice, or contracts not complying with Maxims of Commercial Law.

Ecclesiastical Reckoning

Do you want this lingering over your soul? Do you want the father of the church (Lucifer) to have a claim to your soul? I did not think so. But, guess what? If you don’t recontract yourself from the 1302 Papal Bull* your will die in servitude, no escape, right back into the ancient Babylonian reincarnation cycle, which of course even predates that, but I don’t want to scare you with prima facie evidence. Just trust me when I tell you that your soul is already in contract the moment its born, hence why they can usurp your mothers claims to you. They built a process of administrative procedure, now you need a process to remedy their error. You have it right here, everything you need to become unfuckable with, bulletproof, the fountain of everlasting life.



*I read that its not active | I read this is not accurate | I was told this was abolished

[believe what ever saga you want to believe]