Schedule A – Silver Bullion Bond

Back in 2022 I used a quitclaim deed form at Hall of Records, to transfer my residential property to my Living Trust at the Hall of Records. This confirmed the transaction at their recording, and then transferred to my municipality, which now sends all notices addressed to my Living Trust. The trust was legitimized as a joiner to the deed transfer, and thus this private trust remained private with its details, yet was acknowledged by the public.
The same process is utilized using this 21 silver bond, with the Express Trust acting as surety for what will be a publicly filed silver surety bond. This filing will be done via a digital third party service, as are all actions employed by a trustee of an Express Trust.

Certified Mail # is your filing number*, just mail to self, sign for at delivery, and file away. The above two are my Silver Bond and my Security Agreement. The bond will go on to the clerk for filing with Hall of Records, which was scanned before sending. I’ll leave clerk to open it in his official capacity leaving a trail which I will hammer on him if he gives me trouble with filing, as he is known to be statue sphincter, utterly clueless of law. This is a common theme with all public officials for the most part. They are uneducated, only following the customs that they have been trained in. Completely free of any insight as to how the rights were derived, historical instances, the actual wording of the codes they pretend to enact, in most cases unable to identify any component of the U.S. Constitution out of memory. On account of it not being contained in the soft tissue experience container inside their cranium. For it has only been indoctrinated to function within controlled parameters. Like they said, they don’t want a world of thinkers, so they designed a world of workers, just as promised in early century by Rockefellar. Education system was usurped and turned into a device that turns out controlled subjects destined to employment for the one of many corporations now running the world. Memorization of facts was prioritized, but how they were derived became labeled as “Trusted Science” left only to the speculation of “The Experts”.
Your chance to depart from this mental asylum starts when you put yourself in the position of trustee of an Express Settlor Trust. Trust laws are the most bulletproof laws in the United States of America, never withering or weaving. Every single public entity, all your historical characters, all existed out of trusts, functioning completely in their private capacity publicly, without any of the consequences of the statues. Why do you think people get away with murder? Why do you think the poor get poorer and the rich get richer? Because poor people don’t have trusts. End of story. No estate, no trust, so it all belongs to Uncle Sam, you are just debt collateral holding the hot potato. Uncle Sam has you in a trust right now!! However, in the trust they have for you, they act as the beneficiary of your lifes work, meanwhile, you act as stripped down trustee, with no power to control the trust. This is where we remedy this situation in our Express Settlors Trust, correcting the long standing erroneous presumption under which they have silently acquiescenced us into.
Set the record straight, claim your belongings, through a medium that you control; THE EXPRESS SETTLOR TRUST
*free forms from the post office, the post office will become a normal part of your weekly routine, might as well get cozy with the post master. This will be the closest public entity that usually attempts to actually assist whatever administrative process they are designed to help you with.