Schedule A – Naturalization Certificate (Authentication)

Go ahead, read that again. Full faith and credit of the United States of America. No obligation to you, you are the creditor, they are the debtor. All you have to do is stand up, claim your rights!
It pretty basic, yeah it’s probably going to take you six plus months to complete this whole trust and get all the elements tuned to perfection. But if your hungry for freedom, and you still have the ability to learn, then it is within your reach. If you are content as a 14th Amendment Slave U.S. Citizen, because that’s what you are, then by all means continue your journey, but don’t get mixed up in the idea that you have any standing or valid argument that has not already been addressed in previous modules. Your opinions are awesome, and I love them, but they are just virtual vexations that lack substantiation in your ability to perform. Your failures, are resulted not in the codes or laws, but in your inability to apply them, and now you want to discount my already perfected work with your inexperience. I can clearly see how much bleeding is here for the wolves, and how difficult the new reality will be for them to accept. Fortunately, as a lifelong black belt, a semi professional snowboarder, a professional tree climber, I emplore your to come discover which part of my body is busier, my hands or my mouth. My diplomacy is here, in these modules. If you do not accept my diplomacy, and you refuse to study for your self, read, research, do self study before attempting to rationalize your response, then do not be surprised of implied contractual obligations contained within my work. I want nothing more than the octagon, this is where I grew up, it is my home. It is where I can sleep and rest in my mind without worry of how the exchange will end, this is the bonus gift for myself contained in my work. Those who have errored on the assumption that I am a gardener on the battlefield, stand corrected.