1.2 Initial Ownership of Interests

1.2 Initial Ownership of Interests
The Settlor, acting in their dual capacity as Trustee, hereby declares and acknowledges initial ownership of all 100 units of beneficial interest and 100 units of capital interest in the Trust. These units are held in a fiduciary capacity and shall remain vested in the Trustee until such time as they are allocated or distributed in accordance with the terms of this Trust Agreement. The Trustee further affirms that this initial ownership is for administrative purposes only and does not constitute personal or private ownership of Trust assets.
Here is where our fore fathers built into the trust the ability to write bonds based off units of secured interest. The plan is to write $10M bonds for future labor of the trustee, giving up 10% of capital interest in the trust to the treasury, thereby funding the bank account for the trust. The details of how this is accomplished will be revealed in later modules.
The example image shown will have to be re-written to accomodate the above stated purpose. Key point being we are not asking anything for free, simply following the same process for bonding as all other entities.