Exhibit C | Security Agreement
Finally, you made it. The best part, the end. Your mind now has a vision, a game plan of what ACTIONABLE STEPS you can take to improve the world around you, starting with YOU!!!!
The gift of being without complaints is yours now. The struggles, the sorrows, the sagas of your hardships can now be discharged and paid in full. Every breath you take from this moment on that does not progress you through this journey, is a step backwards, and an indication from that you do not wish to stop complaining, and are content in your indentured servitude. Thusly, you will kindly spare me your opinions, and should you offer comments, they should reflect the facts.
On a final note let’s address the elephant in your mind, how will I know this works, and will it work for me?
And I will leave you with this,
It is not important to know all the information of the world, what is important, asking the right questions, and getting the answers to those!