Exhibit B| Acknowledgment, Acceptance, and Deed of Conveyance

Your state has a private government assembly forming or already formed right now, operating lawfully under the U.S. Constitution being represented by its constituency of We The People. In every state, these assemblies are gathering, joining hand in hand, to restore our republic back into the hands of its founders, We The People. Government power comes from our allowance, we are not the victims of tyranny. That is a choice that those who refuse to read, study, learn have chosen, but that is not the path of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, for all people co-habiting(cohabitation) on this plane of existence.
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m sick and tired of the divide and conquer agenda. If your out here working, trying for a better life, being a good neighbor, doing the right thing, I don’t care where you came from, what the color of your skin is, or what religion you follow. That’s all private stuff that God gave you, it has nothing to do with me. All I care, is that we get along, live great lives, make kids, make love, just generally make sure we all good. It’s what we all want at the core, but they have indoctrinated people into all kinds of insanity. I don’t have to tell you, you see it now with your own eyes, realize, with real eyes.
Alright, grab a hold of something, we’re diving into the final section, where the paper trail ends and where the public picks up again, with you standing as creditor, holder in due course, successor in interest of your financial estate including all the securities, and bonds good ole’ Uncle Sam was holding for you until you reached the age of majority and reclaimed your vessel and its belongings from the 1302 papal bull, that was owning your soul, which you have now claimed and reconveyed to your living self. Ha, bet you didn’t know that? Imagine we live in an electromagnetic field, surrounded by EM waves, the air being an ocean of EM waves. The tools for picking up some of the EM waves are within our 5 senses, giving us a good idea of about 1% of the entirety of the EM spectrum. That means there is 99% going on around us, that we cannot see, touch, hear, feel, sense, smell, taste, but is coexisting with us at all times. This is where the controllers exist, this is where they are operating from and to. You think this is all about your 80-100 year experience in the 1% of perceivable reality? Think about it… alleged 4.5 billion years, which you only get to play in for about 80 years, and see only 1% of whats going on. And you think this isnt a battle for the subconsious that exists inside of you? Your soul? Your God seed? Again, we reach the limit of the common theological understandings of man, I implore you to reach out and begin discourse with me on theological studies. This all falls together like a well suited puzzle to those who are theologically educated. Those lacking scripture, will lack the rudimentary foundation for standing, and will result in getting bulldozed in court.