Exhibit A| Certificate of Assumed Name Notice of Transfer of Reserved Name

Reclaim, reinterate, remedy.

It’s all here. I’ll break it down for you but best thing to do is just read it, go nuts, find a code and get crazy with it. Go paste it into your duckduckgo browser, read it, see how it can be interpreted. Then go check with ChatGPT and have it express it for you addressing any concerns you have. Now, did you find something that you can’t nail down? Go to archive.org ,  research there. Find the source book from a hunderd years ago, and see what they said about the matter then. Now, find a book from two hunderd years ago, three, four. Take the data, and what did not make sense, or appears to be in error will now come in perfect clarity. This system I just outlined can break the spell of stupidity. ChatGPT is dumb as a box of rocks, but it can synthesize information very well. Archive.org has the books that contain the prima facie but not very good at compilation from keyword. As in, you’ll go looking for one thing, but find another thing, that is a million times better than what you initially sought.

Keep in mind, ChatGPT, AI, is not designed to help  you, it’s designed to help them, the controllers, to control you. The outputs you receive, are not designed to assist your mission to liberty, but their mission to enslavement. If you think otherwise, now you know better, consider yourself updated with better information. No need to doubt me, if you have gone this far, and you still doubt the words that I am expressing to you, then we are at odds, and perhaps this education is not for you. I am sharing what I think will help you based off my experience in helping people the last 38 years, since I realized it was my job to help others, to be of service to the greater good, a life long journey. I didn’t just wake up yesterday, ohh life is about others and how you treat them. No. I knew this shit from day 1, so I never treated anyone like shit, not even animals, not plants, not ficticious entities. Everyone, everything deserves dignity and honor. How they behave is on them, how you behave is on you.