Report Blocked Transactions Discount Window
If your properly indorsed document gets rejected by the discount window, its agents or other parties, you can report the blocked transaction and continue to work toward remedy.
OFAC Reporting System
OFAC has created the OFAC Reporting System (ORS) which is an electronic reporting platform accessible to the public for accepting reports on blocked property and rejected transactions required by the Reporting, Procedures and Penalties Regulations, 31 C.F.R. part 501. At present, the use of ORS is voluntary, but OFAC encourages filers to use ORS to file such reports.To register for access to ORS, please email and include the name of the reporting institution, the name and email of the primary point of contact and any other person empowered to file reports.
Practical Takeaway:
If you are unsure about whether you or your organization should contact OFAC through their reporting system, it is advisable to review specific reporting guidelines on their site or contact them directly for clarification. Entities such as financial institutions (private bankers), legal advisors (attorneys) , and compliance officers are generally the most common reporters, but individuals or smaller organizations who interact with sanctioned parties or assets may also have cause to report.
Paying a fine to stay out of jail?
Report The Court to IRS
Submit a whistleblower claim
Step 1: Get receipt with payment! Next submit FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) request to the court you paid the fine to, in relation to your payment. Upon receipt, if comingling of funds is found (and it will be), follow the procedure.
Individuals must use IRS Form 211, Application for Award for Original Information PDF, and ensure that it contains the following:
- A description of the alleged tax noncompliance, including a written narrative explaining the issue(s).
- Information to support the narrative, such as copies of books and records, ledger sheets, receipts, bank records, contracts, emails, and the location of assets.
- A description of documents or supporting evidence not in the whistleblower’s possession or control, and their location.
- An explanation of how and when the whistleblower became aware of the information that forms the basis of the claim.
- A complete description of the whistleblower’s present or former relationship (if any) to the subject of the claim (for example, family member, acquaintance, client, employee, accountant, lawyer, bookkeeper, customer).
- The whistleblower’s original signature on the declaration under penalty of perjury (a representative cannot sign Form 211 for the whistleblower) and the date of signature.
Read or be lost forever! 👇🏼
Navigators list of Relevant Laws and Codes
Uniform Commercial Code
Public Law (P.L.) 88-243 12/30/1963
UCC Codes are often times the most interprative of the color of law.
UCC § 1-104 UCC remains in force unless another law explicitly repeals it.
UCC § 1-308 Performance or Acceptance Under Reservation of Rights. (All fraud void)
UCC § 2A-505 Deals with a lessee’s right to goods after rejection or revocation of acceptance in a lease contract
UCC § 3-104 Negotiable Instrument
UCC § 3-110 Multiple Payees
UCC § 3-201 Negotiation; means a transfer of possession, whether voluntary or involuntary, of an instrument by a person other than the issuer to a person who thereby becomes its holder.
UCC § 3-204 Indorsement (see doc)
UCC § 3-205(a)(b) Indorsement Types
UCC § 3-206 (b) Restrictive & Conditional
UCC § 3-302 Holder in Due Course
UCC § 3-402 (b)(1) Signature Representative “not liable”/ You/YOU
UCC § 3-415 (b) Qualified Indorsement “WITHOUT RECOURSE”
UCC § 3-419 Bill of Exchange
UCC § 5-102 (10) Letter of Credit must be honored
UCC § 5-104 Formal Requirements for Letters of Credit
UCC § 5-108 Debit Paid in Full (Your Rights)
UCC § 5-109 Fraud & Forgery of Presentations
UCC § 5-110 Warranties by beneficiary
UCC § 5-111 Remedies, wrongful dishonor by issuer
UCC § 7-204 Warehousemen (Here on the basis that financials are stored the same way)
UCC § 7-302 Through Bills of Lading and Similar Documents of Title
UCC § 9 Secured Transactions Choice of Law
UCC § 9-303 Law governing perfection and priority of security interests in goods covered by a certificate of title.
United States Code
Is the official codification of the general and permanent federal statutes of the United States.
4 U.S. Code § 71 – Permanent seat of Government
4 U.S. Code § 72 – Public offices; at seat of Government
4 USC § 110 (d)
5 USC § 500 Administrative practice; general provisions
5 USC § 706 Scope of Review (Agency Action) Administrative Procedures Act
5 USC § 903 Reorganization; Public Law 89-554, enacted on September 6, 1966
8 USC § 1101 (a) (3) Alien any person not citizen or national
8 USC § 1101 (a) (21)(22) “National” Defined
8 USC § 1101 (a) (23) The term “naturalization”
8 USC § 1101 (a) (28) Defines ‘organization’
8 USC § 1452 Certificates of citizenship or U.S. non-citizen national status; procedure
8 USC § 1401 US Non-Citizens
8 USC § 1408 Nationals but not citizens of the United States at birth
8 U.S. Code § 1483 – Restrictions on loss of nationality
12 U.S. Code § 266 State-chartered banks and other institutions as depositaries of public money; fiscal agents; duties
12 USC § 411 Issuance to reserve banks; nature of obligation; redemption of all transaction to lawful money. [Coupled with 32 USC 5118]
12 USC § 412 Application for notes; [Federal Reserve Bank to Federal Agent]
12 U.S. Code § 1431 (a) Banks are the only ones doing any borrowing.
15 USC § 1 – provision under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 Penalties for restraint of trade;
15 U.S.C. § 45(a) – see Section 5(a) of the Federal Trade Commission Act; prohibits mortgage origination fraud, collateralized debt obligation fraud, and servicing fraud which includes filing fraudulent foreclosure actions, proof of claims, and perpetrating fraud
15 U.S. Code § 1602 (g) Definitions and rules of construction (Consumer is creditor)
15 USC § 1697 Illegal discrimination
15 USC § 1662 Consumer Credit [You ARE CREDITOR] NO DOWNPAYMENT
15 USC § 4724 (e)(1)(A) – U.S. Citizen seen as mere commodity
18 U.S. Code § 8 – Obligation or other security of the United States defined
18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights
18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law
18 U.S. Code § 911 – Citizen of the United States, jail time for fraudulent use
18 USC § 1581 Peonage; obstructing enforcement
18 USC § 1589 Forced Labor
22 USC § 286 – Acceptance of membership by United States in International Monetary Fund [creditor of bankrupt
26 U.S. Code § 671 Trust income, deductions, and credits attributable to grantors and others as substantial owners
26 USC § 7701 (a) (1) defines a ‘Person’
26 USC § 7701 (a)(9)(10) Geographical Sense description of U.S.
28 USC § 1746
28 USC § 602 (d)
28 USC § 3002 (15) USA – the federal corporation
31 U.S. Code § 5118 (a)(2) & (b) debts removed from the private to the public (Treasury Obligee)
34 USC § 12611 Motor Vehicle
42 USC § 1994 Peonage abolished
42 U.S. Code § 408 (a)(8) Penalties (S.S. Not to be revealed to anyone) Pursuant to Fair Credit Reporting Act
42 U.S. Code § 12203 – Prohibition against retaliation and coercion
42 U.S. Code § 1983 Allows individuals to sue for constitutional rights violations.
46 USC § 57308 Use of “Vessels”
46 USC APP 1247 Transfer of Trust to Secretary of Transportation
49 U.S. Code § 13102 (7)Foreign motor private carrier
49 U.S. Code § 31701(4) International Registration Plan
49 U.S. Code § 14504a (a)(10)Vehicle registration
Maritime Act of 1981 Public Law 97-31 ; 97th Congress;
This could be the point a person became known as a vessel, see several definitions.
Code of Federal Regulations
which represents regulatory law, not statutory law.
8 CFR § 215.1 – Definitions 🧐
12 CFR 201 Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks Governs borrowing by depository institutions and others at the Federal Reserve discount window.
[Interesting use of words. Click here for the 12 cfr 201 Cornell Law site]
26 CFR 1.1441-1 Requirement for the deduction and withholding of tax on payments to foreign persons.
26 CFR 1.932-1 Status of Citizen
CFR 31 Part 203 TT&L Treasury Tax & Loan Program
CFR Title 31 Subtitle A Part 1 Subpart C § 1.32 (e) An individual must not be denied any right, benefit, or privilege provided by law by a component because of such individual’s refusal to disclose their Social Security number.
31 CFR Part 344 U.S. Treasury Securities; FS Form 5238 Request for redemption of U.S. Treasury securities
49 CFR § 391.68 – Private motor carrier of passengers (nonbusiness).
49 CFR Part 390.5 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Definitions “Driver”
INA 349(a)(5)(6) Expatriation
NM Stat § 46A-5-507 Personal Obligation of Trustee
Definitions of Importance
Ab Initio – From the beginning.
Actus Reus – A guilty act; the physical act of committing a crime.
Ad Hoc – For this purpose; a solution designed for a specific issue.
Amicus Curiae – Friend of the court; someone not a party to the case who offers information or expertise.
Bona Fide – In good faith; genuine.
De Facto – In fact; practices that exist in reality, even if not legally recognized.
De Jure – By law; legally recognized.
Ex Post Facto – After the fact; laws applied retroactively.
Habeas Corpus – You shall have the body; a writ requiring a person to be brought before a court.
In Loco Parentis – In place of a parent.
In Rem – Against a thing; legal proceedings directed toward property rather than a person.
Inter Alia – Among other things; used to indicate that a list is not exhaustive.
Ipso Facto – By the fact itself.
Mens Rea – Guilty mind; the intention to commit a crime.
Nolo Contendere – I do not wish to contend; a plea where the defendant neither admits nor disputes a charge.
Nunc Pro Tunc – Now for then; a legal action applied retroactively to correct an earlier error or oversight.
Pacta Sunt Servanda – Agreements must be kept; a foundational principle in contract law emphasizing the binding nature of agreements.
Pro Per – Short for “in propria persona”; representing oneself in a legal matter without an attorney.
Pro Se – On one’s own behalf; a term for individuals representing themselves in court without an attorney.
Pro Bono – For the public good; legal work done without charge.
Quid Pro Quo – Something for something; a mutual exchange.
Res Ipsa Loquitur – The thing speaks for itself; used in tort law to infer negligence.
Situs – Location or site; used in property law to indicate the physical location of property.
Stare Decisis – To stand by things decided; the doctrine of precedent.
Sub Judice – Under judicial consideration.
Ultra Vires – Beyond the powers; acts performed beyond legal authority.
Viva Voce – By word of mouth; oral testimony.
Indorsements Overview
1. Blank Indorsement (UCC 3-205(a))
2. Special Indorsement (UCC 3-205(b))
3. Restrictive Indorsement (UCC 3-206)
4. Qualified Indorsement (UCC 3-415(b))
5. Conditional Indorsement (UCC 3-206(b))
Process for Handling Indorsements
1. Verification of Identity
2. Indorsement Examination for Negotiability
3. Deposit Processing
4. Holder in Due Course (UCC 3-302)
5. Fraud Detection and Security Measures
Special Indorsement Scenarios
1. Multiple Payees (UCC 3-110)
2. Third-Party Indorsements
Indorsements is how you basically take every opportunity to capture your signature and turn it into infinite line of credit per UCC, USC & CFR codes. You are the creditor and the payee, they parties who are demanding your signature are the debtors, creators of the what will become either a line of credit, bill of exchange, or a note of some form. Irrespective of what document they are masquerading it as, your endorsement turns it into a negotiable instrument. You have recourse if they refuse to perform, they must act, or they are committing a crime which you can report.
House Joint Resolution 192, 73d Congress, Sess. I, Ch. 48, June 5, 1933
Public Law 95-147 Basically, piggy backed on HR192 making it moot since no currency exists that is backed by gold or silver. Today, U.S. Citizens and State Nationals who have not yet liquidated their treasury direct account are the collateral for Federal Reserve Notes. For every new head of chattel born or brought in; is worth billions to the bankers. I wonder if it has anything to do with this illegal immigration problem countries are facing.
No currency exists then negotiable instruments UCC 3-104 Negotiable Debt Instruments; NDI’S are the only currency, therefore debts can be discharged with negotiable instruments like notes of exchange, bonds, checks etc… 31 U.S. Code § 5118 (d), which states that obligations and securities (public or private) are discharged by payment in United States coin or currency, which is legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues. NDI’s are legal tender, and YOU, not you, is the collateral.
Public Laws, establish U.S. Codes, and are considered federal jurisdiction as would be exercised on you in trial. Here is your chance to get one step ahead, discover the codes which you exercise on them to get perfection on your instrument via performance.
12 U.S. Code § 412
“Collateral shall not be required for Federal Reserve notes which are held in the vaults of, or are otherwise held by or on behalf of, Federal Reserve banks.”
This means that as long as these notes are stored and not issued to the public or in active use, the Federal Reserve is not required to have collateral backing them. Once they enter circulation, the collateralization requirements come into play to ensure the notes are backed by assets.
Your ens legis all capitals JOHN DOE; is your collateral, YOU, not you is liable UCC 3-402(b)(1); this is why your correct special indorsement is so important.
You are the creditor, YOU is the principle ; John Doe/ JOHN DOE . Indorse your signature and you are not liable for debts UCC 3-402(b)(1), but you are always the beneficiary for proceeds!
That creditor is whoever signed the paper as the authorized representative of the entity on whose behalf the loan applied.
U.S. citizens are property of the U.S. but natural persons are Signatories. Today on the Public side all obligations are, IN FACT, U.S. obligations,not your or mine debts as proven!
Seek remedy? Just redeem all of your transactions as lawful money per 12 USC 411…then the remedy comes with 31 USC 5118(a)(2) as it’s now removed from the private to the public and we KNOW the public obligation is on the treasury. Follow the law to victory!
The “currency” of negotiable debt instruments is sounder than other types of currency. It will reconnect the insolvent “public” side of the economic system with its only source of “credit and redemption,” the “private” side. The contracts arise from commercial offers made by a public entity to another public entity held as collateral by a creditor with private and solvent standing in law. These debt instruments can be used to enhance bank assets, investment portfolios, discount leverage, etc. under Title 12USC §412.