Certificate of Trust

See transcript how to obtain a foreign EIN for your trust.

5. Authority of Trustee

-Administer as successor in interest, holder in due course; SETTLE AND DISCHARGE ALL ACCOUNTS NUNC PRO TUNC.

The idea is simple, get this bad boy ready to deploy. Get the labor bond executed and perfected, there is no chance of denial. If it gets blocked it will be reported at The Office of Foreign Asset Control, and performance will be forced by procedure and law.

Folks think this is a speculation and assumption, as they lack the knowledge for performance. Learn the codes, choose your laws, perfect your indorsement. Discover all my links to be government websites ready to serve your instructions, you simply need to provide.

Can a 14th Amendment Citizen attempt to perform any of these processes without risking prosecution?


Can a Article IV (4th Amendment) Sec2 Citizen act in this capacity?


Stake your claim, conditionally accept 48 CFR § 46.101  , negotiate, arbitrate, settle, discharge  UCC § 3-601. Creditors 15 U.S. Code § 1602 (g)   like yourself don’t concern themselves with obligations of the Federal Government 18 U.S. Code § 8

If your not following the above procedure, you shant complain.