11. Authorized Representative

11. Authorized Representative

Trust Indenture XXESTXXXXXX

This is where your going to need your closest ally. Because it is an Express; Article IV Sec2 Trust, in order for it to remain in the private you cannot use it for the purpose of commerce. The trustee cannot open himself to exposure in banking and remain private. Thusly, an authorized representative is deployed. And what do we know about authorized representatives? They are not liable; UCC § 3-402 SIGNATURE BY REPRESENTATIVE – This is the method that is employed when banking with a foreign entity so as to keep the “hot potato” from landing in the trustees lap. The trustee (you) needs to be bulletproof, and that only works if we stay within the confines of common law jurisdiction. Soon as we go into commerce, we open ourselves up for being subject to statutory jurisdiction which we are trying so desperately to avoid. We do this through written contracts, motions, acceptance offers, and generally things allowed within the parameters of the original constitution, of which modern commercial banking is not since the Federal Reserve Note (FRN) is simply a promissory note between the public and private. To which only the federal government owes any obligation to. Once you realize that (you) are not the debtor, rather, you are the creditor, this will start to make more sense.

Your AR gets a fancy embosser stamp, and a nice folder of notarized chain of evidence designed specifically for the needs of the banker to open the required non interest bearing account.

Once this objective is complete, the trustee is now layered behind an AR & an Express Trust. This two layers of protection from the predatory judicial system is just enough to position the trustee to negotiate and indorse like never before. Your Express Trust comes with 100 units of beneficial interest and 100 units of capital interest you can now collateralize into a security like a bond on future labor.

Another neat thing folks are doing, is getting their art appraised, then adding it as an asset to the trust, and taking credit directly from their bank with the art as security. Once you begin to understand the power wielded by trust law, its supreme authority will become clearer with each passing day.

 Soon, you too will be giving these brain dead morons instructions on how to serve you. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.