Its going to be as easy as 123
Mans ego has obfuscated a simple process, but alas, with ego removed we can get right to the business of your correction!
Quick question, why do I want to correct my status?
Quick answer, you are technically a slave to the government, and you want to change this technical error. Also, you want your soul. They got no business owning it.
This allows you to be recognized by the defacto government as a common law living human being, restoring your constitutional rights. Don’t be a serf, do it today, join 30 million “Americans” that have already reliquished their ball and chain. 1/10th of the population is rising and lifting the veil, don’t be left behind.
Citizens Handbook for Nationals (Important book to read and understand)
Looking back on the definitions of state, people, and nation the people are the political force behind their nation. These three definitions are the trifecta that defines what a National is. Since the U.S.C. defines a “national” as an individual who owes permanent allegiance to a state, and is a holder of political power in our nation the term national fits very nicely. A national is a member of the people, who as a body politic creates government for the enforcement of their will over things and persons in their territory, and for all intents and purposes is the nation.
In short, a national owes permanent alliance to themselves, at least as a body politic. This makes it quite clear that persons are distinct from people, as a person under the 14th amendment can’t be a member of the “people” in the eyes of the Federal Government, as noted that federal citizenship takes primacy.
Downes v. Bidwell
The idea prevails with some — indeed, it found expression in arguments at the bar — that we have in this country substantially or practically two national governments — one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions, the other to be maintained by Congress outside and independently of that instrument, by exercising such powers as other nations of the earth are accustomed to exercise. It is one thing to give such a latitudinarian construction to the Constitution as will bring the exercise of power by Congress, upon a particular occasion or upon a particular subject, within its provisions. It is quite a different thing to say that Congress may, if it so elects, proceed outside of the Constitution. The glory of our American system of government is that it was created by a written constitution which protects the people against the exercise of arbitrary, unlimited power, and the limits of which instrument may not be passed by the government it created, or by any branch of it, or even by the people who ordained it, except by amendment or change of its provisions.
As observed by the U.S. Supreme court, we have in effect two distinct national governments. One restricted by the constitution, and the other not. Nationals have the Constitutional protections while U.S. Citizens do not.
You don’t have any rights, no remedies to any complaints. Crying on social media will get you nowhere!
Your recourse is simple, and already in place. But only action to complete the simple steps below will correct the error.
Inaction is compliance, silence is consent.
Submit your status correction.
DS-11 Method
You must use DS-11 NEW passport even if you are just updating a valid passport. You can also order the card and have a federal issued document proving you are a state national.
Congratulations, now you have been freed to your own recognizance. Are you interested in joining the real government formed/forming in you state? You can also become a state national, by joining the government of the original constitution.
The benefit of this is, that you will become a part of a group taking steps to restore the original constitution, law and order, our fore fathers set upon.
It is our duty to correct the theft, and restore the republic.
Steps to access the bonds created in your name
Next on the agenda, access those bonds made at birth or naturalization. This process still in progress but here are the alleged steps. Each will be elaborated on as progress continues. Links will be added for blanks soon!
- Step 1 Become a National
- Step 2 Deed of Re-conveyance
- Step 3 Patent of Nativity >>>> Website for Nationals
- Step 4 Patent Land
- Step 5 Express Trust/Living Trust/Settlors Trust
- Step 6 IRS Form 56 Revoke Access
- Step 7 UCC -1 Cestui Que Vie Trust Claim Estate
Got a question? Need some help?
Text me first at 973-506-9773 and I will return your call.