Statum Mutatio Societas

Status Change Guild

Member Resource Portal

Kicking OFF 2025 , God, Liberty, Justice!

Join us on a journey of self determination, correcting your status, and learning to use laws as they were meant to be used, to the benefit of its benefactors, We The People, of this great nation. 

We are now officially accepting applicants for our initial Trust filing, now is the time to get on our email list for the latest updates.


The Alchemist

Recommended reading list for Navigators

Journey to Private Banking Introduction
Citizens Handbook for Nationals
Weiss’s Concise Trustee Handbook
Handybook of Banking 1879
Negotiable Debt Instruments – NDI Comprehensive Summary
Federal Reserve Banks|Operating Circular No. 10 | LENDING | Effective August 28, 2023
Holder In Due Course – Security Certificate to be Brokered

Start your journey at the navigator tab on the menu at the top, read the blogs, come along we are cutting loose the chains of bondage and servitude.

As observed by the U.S. Supreme court, we have in effect two distinct national governments. One restricted by the constitution, and the other not. Nationals have the Constitutional protections while U.S. Citizens do not.

Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901)

It would be accurate to describe a U.S. Citizen as a stripped-down version of a National when talking in terms of rights, as their rights come from the Federal Government and can be rejected at any time on a case by case basis. Typically however, these “rights” are sold as privileges in the form of licenses.
This is contrary to a National whose rights come from Nature and Nature’s God and are constitutionally protected. Since a Nationals Rights do not come from government they can’t be lawfully rejected by government because government doesn’t grant them, but in fact the government gets its rights and powers from Nationals, also known as the people.

In short: you are primarily a citizen of the United States but you also are a citizen of the state that you claim residence in. Being a state citizen makes you a National. Being a U.S. Citizen however makes you completely subject to the Federal Government, with limited rights as defined by the Incorporation Doctrine. In federal courts, your rights as a state citizen are put aside and you only have access to what the Federal Government grants you as a U.S. Citizen.

Common law is completely unavailable to U.S. Citizens, as they are under the exclusive authority of the Federal Government in an arrangement of allegiance within their feudal courts. A U.S. Citizen who receives the right of Due Process under the 14th amendment does NOT have access to these protections in the constitution, beyond what the Federal Government offers here. Due to the lack of common law, these persons are not members of the people.

A U.S. Citizen is a “Person” under the 14th amendment, and is distinct from a member of the people.
These are the persons maintained by congress outside of the constitution.

READ THAT AGAIN US CITIZENS ARE  outside of the constitution.

Our Organic 1786 U.S. Constitution does not apply to persons who are U.S. Citizens. Are you a U.S. Citizen??

Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 Annotated

The first section of Article IV, Section 2 provides that the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of the citizens of other states. The provision is often called the Privileges and Immunities Clause or the Comity Clause. This Clause, which is textually tied to state citizenship, should not be confused with the distinct provision in the Fourteenth Amendment— the Privileges or Immunities Clause—which protects the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States against state invasion.

Congress distinguishes between two types of citizens, citizens of each state and citizens of the United States. These are the political statuses that exist in the United States of America. You have citizens of the individual states, who have separate privileges and immunities from those of citizens of the United States.

Status Correction

Our team is committed to your journey correcting your status to citizen national, US national, state national.

Independent Content

The projects and the people behind them have been in the works for many years, rejoice for the day of redemption is at hand.

State Assembly

Dejure Government forming in your State right now, acknowledge yourself, claim your rights. Exit the matrix completely as a man or woman standing with We The People.

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How we can help you


Guided Assistance

Need guidance? Pop in on the chat and we will walk you through, point you to how to’s, and make sure you have a good understanding of the benefits of our organization. Like learning to be a private banker, settlor of accounts, and executor of your estate.


De Facto Government

USA is a corporation posing as a government. Via 13th & 14th amendment they have usurped your human rights to life.


Status Change

Our society provides for its members the resources and education, to begin the process of legally exiting the defacto system of governance and law.


Team Coordination

We are building a powerful group of individuals who seek to free themselves from the shackles of imposed labor, and indentured servitude.


Exit the Matrix

Built for you and around your needs. We are never hard to find, we want to hear from you and your tales of your incredible journey here.


Forward, Always Forward

Forget all the noise and nonsense, here you have home, here you have team. We are forging a community of farmers, growers, independents, and anyone who is ready to relinquish their appeal to authority and centralization. We are the leaderless resistance!

About Us

Just ordinary people doing our part, our civil duty to improve the quality of the world around us.

Our Mission: our freedom

Block Chain "Crypto"

We have our own currency and exchange on the block chain that anyone can take part in from the comfort of their home.

Independent Content

Forensic research provides for unique original content, independent from influence, designed to educate using the Trivium.

Suppressed Technology

Knowledge is power. We have the information your going to need from human inception to our current debacle.

Occulted History

History is written by the victors of wars, and let me tell you, we the human race are not winning. Time to re-examine history and prevent the biggest fumble from being made.

A short vid how to trade underground on the block chain.

“Nemo Relictus”

No Man Left Behind

Board Meetings

Notice of Liability – Public Safety

If you have ever been pulled over by "the man", then you completely understand why you need one of these. Unfortunately, we are sold to them as ATM cash machines that bleed out in cash money to the courts. The biggest fraternal gang out there, "the untouchables", who...

Article IV Sec2 “Denizen”

4 Steps to recover your rights, reclaim your property, return to the land and soil. 1. Get your "fed web" identification, this is done at myeverify 2. Select your status. 3. Create, notarize affidavit and send to U.S. Secretary of State (Certified) 4. Now go conquer...

Latin Legal Terms

Latin Legal Terms Quid Est Veritas? Est vir qui adest Ab Initio - From the beginning. Actus Reus - A guilty act; the physical act of committing a crime. Ad Hoc - For this purpose; a solution designed for a specific issue. Amicus Curiae - Friend of the court; someone...

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