FAQ Express Trust – Smoking Gun

Why do I need an Express Trust?

People are hesitant to relinquish their ball and chain because they are scared. They want all the benefits of citizenship, all the rights the constitution promises which have so severely been denied to We The People. When you are in court, you’re dead man walking. A clueless monster with no idea of what’s really going on. But, alas! The path of the chosen man/woman has now been revealed, and your remedy awaits a mere slide of mouse, a scribble of a pen, and a few friends. Can you do that? Can you do that much, to free yourself from indentured servitude? I know your starting to formulate a million questions, like, what about my pension? What about my S.S. benefits? Medicaid?

Let me respond like this, as a Trustee of an Express Settlor Trust you have the authority to draft bonds. Your trust is allocated 100 units of beneficial interest, and 100 units of capital interest. Do you need some capital? Create a Surety Bond for $10M offering up 1o units of capital interest at $1M each, and surety the future labor of the Trustee. Send to U.S. Treasury, send to your bank [after getting a non interest bearing bank account via your authorized representative.] And if it doesn’t show up in 72 Hours force performance via the https://ofac.treasury.gov/ofac-reporting-system

End of story, as an Article IV citizen, the only court of jurisdiction you can stand in is equity, common law. That is how you will be tried. Good bye statues, good bye penal codes, good bye IRS, good by laws enacted by congress that transgress the Supreme Law of the land; The U.S. Constitution. Your education begins today!

Do you want to learn more? Read from the source? Check the case law?

Read the Trustee Handbook , please don’t take it from me, take it from the attorneys, take from the case laws.

Do you yearn for change? Are you ready to become unfuckable with? Bulletproof, exercising authority over public officials like they were your employees? This can be yours, and it starts by reading, studying, applying. There is no more mystery to what lies at the end of the road, the only mystery is if you can read, apply, perform. It’s in your hands now. You have no one to blame for your future misery but yourself.