Article IV Sec2 “Denizen”

4 Steps to recover your rights, reclaim your property, return to the land and soil. 1. Get your “fed web” identification, this is done at myeverify 2. Select your status. 3. Create, notarize affidavit and send to U.S. Secretary of State (Certified) 4. Now...

Arbitration with a PST

Statum Mutatio Societas Presents – Member PST Blank Version 1 k.i.s.s. keep it simple stupid   You can do this, download the Blank, configure it for you. Download Bland Private Settlor Trust Sample Conditionally Accept Conditionally accept any actions...

Settlors Trust Bank

  Living Trust or Settlor’s Trust Process –The Birth Bond(Surety Bond) Step by Step to assist State Nationals, State Citizens to secure a bond for discharge & debt   I. Authenticate Birth/Naturalization Certificate (vital statistics). The authentication...

US National

Action to Change the Course of HistoryIt’s in your hands now patriot, to change the course of history and correct the theft of all of our inalienable rights. Inaction whilst knowing this information is tantamount to betrayal of your brothers keeper clause.  I...