Notice of Liability – Public Safety

Insanity of Police Brutality - How To Survive your interaction with PoliceIf you have ever been pulled over by “the man”, then you completely understand why you need one of these. Unfortunately, we are sold to them as ATM cash machines that bleed out in...

Article IV Sec2 “Denizen”

4 Steps to recover your rights, reclaim your property, return to the land and soil. 1. Get your “fed web” identification, this is done at myeverify 2. Select your status. 3. Create, notarize affidavit and send to U.S. Secretary of State (Certified) 4. Now...

Latin Legal Terms

Latin Legal Terms Quid Est Veritas? Est vir qui adest Ab Initio – From the beginning. Actus Reus – A guilty act; the physical act of committing a crime. Ad Hoc – For this purpose; a solution designed for a specific issue. Amicus Curiae – Friend...

Naughty ChatGPT

15 U.S. Code § 1602 – Definitions and rules of construction (g) , seems that a payee can be creditor provided they indorse correctly, is this true?ChatGPT said:ChatGPTYes, under 15 U.S. Code § 1602(8), which is part of the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), a creditor...

Arbitration with a PST

Statum Mutatio Societas Presents – Member PST Blank Version 1 k.i.s.s. keep it simple stupid   You can do this, download the Blank, configure it for you. Download Bland Private Settlor Trust Sample Conditionally Accept Conditionally accept any actions...

Understanding Title 12 USC Section 411

  User: Can you elucidate and expand on: Only a “Debt instrument” (promissory note, judgment, etc.) can meet the mandate underTitle 12 USC Section 411 et seq. since it is impossible to redeem a debt with a debtor or anote with a note, the statute is...

Private vs. Public Lesson #1

Hi Statum Mutatio Societas Presents: Lesson #1 Private vs. Public You’ve heard the noise, it’s been on your to do list for ever, yet the time has not availed itself, provisions not in place. I can tell you there are people I know that could likely smash...