Latin Legal Terms
Quid Est Veritas? Est vir qui adest
Ab Initio – From the beginning.
Actus Reus – A guilty act; the physical act of committing a crime.
Ad Hoc – For this purpose; a solution designed for a specific issue.
Amicus Curiae – Friend of the court; someone not a party to the case who offers information or expertise.
Bona Fide – In good faith; genuine.
De Facto – In fact; practices that exist in reality, even if not legally recognized.
De Jure – By law; legally recognized.
Ex Post Facto – After the fact; laws applied retroactively.
Habeas Corpus – You shall have the body; a writ requiring a person to be brought before a court.
In Loco Parentis – In place of a parent.
In Rem – Against a thing; legal proceedings directed toward property rather than a person.
Inter Alia – Among other things; used to indicate that a list is not exhaustive.
Ipso Facto – By the fact itself.
Mens Rea – Guilty mind; the intention to commit a crime.
Nolo Contendere – I do not wish to contend; a plea where the defendant neither admits nor disputes a charge.
Nunc Pro Tunc – Now for then; a legal action applied retroactively to correct an earlier error or oversight.
Pacta Sunt Servanda – Agreements must be kept; a foundational principle in contract law emphasizing the binding nature of agreements.
Pro Per – Short for “in propria persona”; representing oneself in a legal matter without an attorney.
Pro Se – On one’s own behalf; a term for individuals representing themselves in court without an attorney.
Pro Bono – For the public good; legal work done without charge.
Quid Pro Quo – Something for something; a mutual exchange.
Res Ipsa Loquitur – The thing speaks for itself; used in tort law to infer negligence.
Situs – Location or site; used in property law to indicate the physical location of property.
Stare Decisis – To stand by things decided; the doctrine of precedent.
Sub Judice – Under judicial consideration.
Ultra Vires – Beyond the powers; acts performed beyond legal authority.
Viva Voce – By word of mouth; oral testimony.
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