Constitution of the United States

United States Department of State
Western Passport Center

Checkmarked all non us citizen and signed ucc 1-308, without recourse.

State Nationals
3 Forms from The New Jersey State Assembly of declarations and affidavits of my expatriation, acceptance into State Nationhood. US Postal stamp on the back of each with indorsement at 45 degrees.

Initial attempt was via simple affidavit structured in acceptable language of expatriation and acceptance into being a state national. Fell on deaf ears, as the state department only recognizes a very narrow method for renunciation that leads to the loss of all kinds of alleged benefits.

The process of setting the record straight, and getting ones ducks in a row is a purposefully obfuscated process with pitfalls that undermine the value of the objectives and our inalienable rights to the pursuit of liberty.

The power of the pen and the indorsement is basically our only tool to fight back against the tyrannical power of an unchecked and over extended government, which seeks to hold us in position of servitude until we expire (die).

You cannot be involved in administrating your existence without eventually ending up in the kill zone. The interpretation of the law, awaits the next amendment that remedies the exploited. You will end up infront of an inland pirate that will redeem your voucher of freedom to walking the plank into shark waters, quite literally actually.

Choice of Laws
We must be the order givers, and that only happens when we know our rights and the codes under which they are exercised. See “NAVIGATOR” for link to useful codes all on one page.
Response Letter From Passport Center

Let’s look at our friends at the state department travel website. The information contained on the page shown below represents the case of Uncle Sam and his rights to head of chattel on his plantation. The very narrow process of how one is recognized by Uncle Sam as expatriating is incredibly discouraging, and likely is the only process that will be upheld and recognized in court.
“3. Consequences of Expatriation
Renouncing U.S. citizenship carries several long-term consequences:
Loss of U.S. passport: You will no longer have the right to travel with a U.S. passport or enjoy the consular protections U.S. citizens receive.
Potential travel restrictions: You may need a visa to enter the U.S. after renunciation, and under some circumstances, individuals who renounce their citizenship for tax purposes may be barred from re-entering the U.S. under the Reed Amendment.
Loss of certain benefits: You may lose eligibility for some federal benefits, such as Social Security, depending on bilateral agreements with your new country of citizenship.”
Dissatisfied by my ds-56 renewal passport results, I decided to attempt forcing the State Department to accepting my State National affidavit and declaration forms via a ds-11; inital application. Well, this was the response from the passport center. This document serves a prima facie, and will now be investigated to see what treasures or pitfalls it may contain. ChatGPT will be employed ….
Let’s seek assistance from ChatGPT and see if it can highlight some of the details of renunciation of ones citizenship. The answer to the provision of what the law provides.
” Renounce Citizenship at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate
The actual renunciation must be done in person at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad.
The process includes:
Scheduling an appointment at a U.S. diplomatic or consular office.
Filing Form DS-4079: This is the “Request for Determination of Possible Loss of U.S. Nationality.”
Taking the Oath of Renunciation: You must declare that you voluntarily and intentionally wish to renounce your U.S. citizenship. The U.S. official will ensure that you understand the consequences.
Paying a fee: As of recent regulations, the fee for renunciation is $2,350.“
It should be noted that my condition is one of an immigrant into United States, I do not have the birth rights of state national, rather, not one that is recognized by the State Department. In the private I can do what I please, obviously, however I should not expect it to be recognized in the courts, thusly, have to navigate by alternative means.

The information contained herein is valid, and intended as declared. It is for the purpose of readers to establish data points for their own journey to remedy on the inequity that is served up in bucket fulls daily from the ranch hand. This blog is made in good faith, for the non commercial use by the public domain of the living.
Department of State Declares:

Renunciations which are not in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State have no legal effect. Moreover, U.S. citizens cannot effectively renounce their citizenship by mail. Section 349(a)(6) provides for renunciation of U.S. nationality in the United States under certain narrow circumstances. Questions concerning renunciation of U.S. nationality under Section 349(a)(6) should be addressed to the Department of Homeland Security.
no legal effect!
cannot renounce by mail!
certain, narrow circumstances

This particular letter, and the conclusions it draws at, as indicated by statements on State Department Website written letter addressed to me personally, are information presented as found. It would be senseless, to administer a case that could lead to frivilous fines, incarceration, detainment, illegal search/seizure. As it would be wasting time that could be used for getting performance on presentments. To the determine of their cause to keep you in servitude, it has been resolved to a road with three paths; stateless, green card, or US Citizen, these are the options available to naturalized immigrants.
Using the unique bio data from the letter and documents pertaining to this case with The State Department, let’s see if ole’ Uncle Sam bound this buck to a bond at the Treasury Direct webportal. I write this as I have not yet fully vetted this with the information, but I suspect there will be bonds made with the unique identifiers, under mixed dates for maximum amount of value. Let’s see.

Serial number is the reference number from the State Department letter, the issue date is the date of the letter. These are the bonds found on the public side of the bankers ledger, totaling $14,000. Can you imagine what is going on in the private? Do you see why Uncle Sam doesn’t want you to leave his plantation? Can you see the value of this mass exodus of illegal immigrants into this country. The revenue stream is undeniable, and fiscal policies decide the law, not we the people.

Here’s a bonus from this exchange; it’s the envelope they want my response returned to. ie, talk about an “expedited” point of contact for passport services. Also, brought me to thinking at what if all these people pushing the ds-11 process for statehood validation are just agents of the very system getting us to spend $250; post office makes money, state department makes money, your dumbass gets a passport everyone is a winner. Oh, except the whole point of the process of status correction, that doesn’t happen via the passport application, it is certainly not recognized by the authorities to any extent. Publicly, you are still a U.S. Citizen, privately you can be what ever you want but will always be subject to jurisdiction for U.S. Citizens in the public, this is the law of the land. No letters, no declarations, no amount of witness testimony can circumvent the process of renunciation of ones citizenship.
People will certainly express their opinions, but the law will remain intact, and you will be left to your own devices when at the mercy of the inland pirate justice system of the Law of Merchant.
Contact Hours
Daily – 6:30 am to 6:30 pm EST

Statum Mutatio Societas
Contact Info
Vernon, New Jersey, USA
(973) 506-9773