Let’s get right to it.

When you were born or naturalized, the US Treasury made bonds in your name, without your consent. The scam is so prevailant, that they continue to create a bond in your name every time you sign your name to this very day. As a US Citizen, you have no rights, as we have shown you. They created a ficticious entity with your name called the “strawman” which they move like a pawn on a chess board without your knowledge or consent. This is why understanding of UCC 1-308 is so important because it cancels all illegal contracts that are made by them in your name.

You can look up the bonds they create using your signature, as well as the birth certificate bond. There are several ways to do this, which will be revealed here shortly. There is not a tremendous amount of information online about this, so it’s still basically new territory, you’ll have to tread lightly. However, do not attempt to collect on these bonds if you are US Citizen, as you do not have any rights, and can be committing federal crimes. 

With every signature the treasury creates upwards of $35000 in bonds in your name. Get out any document you have such a driver license, ss card, id card, even a prescription, and input the number of the document in the BOND SERIAL NUMBER field, then ISSUE DATE , as shown on your document, then start with the highest denomination of $10,000 in EE bonds. Work your way down to the 50 denomination field, note the results. Do this with the I bonds as well. Amazing right? If the document has several identification numbers, you can put those in and discover they create a bond on each identification number. Can you see why you are a debt slave?

$35,000 created with your signature every time. You are the collateral (chattel) for the nations debt, all without your knowledge. As a US Citizen you don’t have any rights, and they can do this without your consent, and you don’t even have recourse. Unless of course you become a US/State National which is protected by the constitution and common laws.


But wait, this party train is just getting started. When you were born/naturalized these sons of b’s created a master bond, worth billions. There are two methods I know of how to find it, both come up with a different bond so I’m not sure which is which. Brace yourself patriot, your about to find out your a millionaire many times over.

What you need to do is find your CUSIP number, its just an identification number that find the bond within their system. Both ways utilize the fidelity.com website, so your going to need to sign up for a free account. Once you are logged in, input your social security number in search for quotes. When entering your SS make sure your doing it in the field under research & quotes, and your putting in the spaces. It also only appears to work for SS issued after 1980, as that is when they changed their system. Provided you meet the criteria it will produce a 5 Capital Letter stock. Note that and plug that stock into the search of  this website; https://institutional.fidelity.com/

That will produce a result, just click on that and boom, you just discovered the proxy you are traded under. This will yield the value in terms of millions as well as your CUSIP.

This CUSIP will be required in your SECURITY AGREEMENT in the UCC-1 form you will fill out to commandeer your Cesti Quie Vie Trust, as that is what is called your “Strawman”.

The other method which produces a different CUSIP worth billions, is to use triangulation from the two numbers on your birth certificate or naturalization document. This method I am not certain about and will forgo sharing for now. For my security agreement I am going to use the method I indicated above.

You have just been shown something that very few have even the slightest awareness of. This knowledge is incredible in scope, particularly to your financial well being. I would advise you at this point to start taking my research seriously, but more importantly, know that I do this for all of us. Understand that. I could like 99% of the population just care for my own a$$ under the CYA principle, but I choose to operate as being my brothers keeper. You have now seen and been a benefactor of  decades of research from my team, and I just hope you take the steps neccessary to free yourself from this indentured servitude you have been born into. That’s the goal here, to motivate you to ACTION, as the only thing keeping us from progress is your lack thereof. 30 million “Americans” have already begun this process of comandeering their rightful property, and the more of us that do it, the better chance we have of reinstating a government for the people, by the people. We are law abiding citizens, and all we want is fair representation.

Well, that’s if for this blog, stay tuned for the other steps in this process as we correct the errors of the defacto system. Peace upon you brothers and sisters.